More than 30 years of science and innovation

ÅForsk has since 1985 distributed approximately {0} MSEK in research, travel grants and grants to innovators. We can help you become one of them.

Latest news

Photo: Unsplash

Apply for ÅForsk Travel Grant

2 September 2024

The ÅForsk’s Travel Grant is open for applications by doctoral students who want to gain international research experience and for students who wish to conduct their Master Thesis abroad. Read more

Photo: Istockphoto

The ÅForsk Foundation announces research grants for researchers who want to re-establish themselves in Sweden

4 March 2024

ÅForsk Foundation, majority shareholder of AFRY, has decided to announce repatriation grants for researchers who want to re-establish themselves in Sweden as independent researchers after an international stay at postdoctoral level. Read more

Photo: Unsplash.

ÅForsk offers research funding in 2024

5 February 2024

A new call from ÅForsk research foundation will open February 6th. Three categories of research projects will be funded: Research projects for young researchers, Collaborative projects between industry and academia and General research projects. Read more

About ÅForsk

ÅForsk has since its formation in 1985 been aimed at research and development within its main areas. The foundation is the largest shareholder in listed AFRY AB. The appropriations distributed are obtained by dividend from the company. The board consists of members of the founders - Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien, IVA, Skogsindustrierna, Energiföretagen Sverige and AFRY AB.

What we are looking for

ÅForsk aims to promote research and development within the core areas mentioned below. We want to see more female researchers to apply for funding. By improving gender equality, the research community becomes stronger, more productive and successful. Priority is given to applications from researchers with new ideas.

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