How to apply
Register account
To be able to apply for research grants, travel grants and repatriation grants you must first register an account.
Fill in the form
After registering and logging in you can start a new application for research grants, travel grants or repatriation grants from 'My Pages'.
Your application can be submitted after the forms have been filled in as directed and the required attachments have been enclosed. Once an application has been submitted it can no longer be edited.
Below are instructions on how to apply for research grants, travel grants and repatriation grants from ÅForsk. It is important that you read the instructions before you begin the process. To apply, you must first register an account. A verification will be sent to you via email. Follow the instructions to complete the registrations.
After the account has been verified you are able to log in to 'My Pages'. From these pages you can start a new application. You can write your application in enlglish or swedish. The foundation only accepts digital applications from 2018 and forwards. Applications that are sent to ÅForsk in other ways will not be processed.
Research Grants
After the account has been verified you can access 'My Pages'. From these pages you can start a new application. You can write your application in swedish or english The foundation only accepts digital applications and you can only apply during the specific application periods. Applications that are sent to ÅForsk in other ways will not be processed.
ÅForsk usually decides on research grants within the interval of 400 000 SEK - 1 900 000 SEK.
By submitting your application, you also give consent for the foundation to process personal data in the application to the extent required for its handling and in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation (EU 2017/679).
Read moreTravel Grants
Travel grants can be applied for for three purposes: Conferences abroad, Thesis abroad and Study visit abroad. We do not grant costs for any general living expenses (only accomodations). If you previously been awarded a scholarship from ÅForsk, you are unfortunately not able to apply again.
If a thesis is to be conducted with one or more partners, you need to specify whom you are completing the thesis with in the application form. You can only apply for upcoming activities. If you are applying for more than one activity, you need to make a seperate application for each specifik reason.
There are two application periods for travel grants, one in the beginning of the year and another in the beginning of fall. The closest application period starts 1 September 2025 and ends 30 September 2025.
The deadline for the application is 30 September 2025 23:59 (CEST). Read more RegisterRepatriation Grants
After the account has been confirmed, you can log in to 'My Pages'. You can now start to register your application. You can write your application in Swedish or English. The foundation only accepts digital applications and you can only apply during the specified application period during the year.
The grant is for two years and of a total sum of SEK 2 million.
By submitting your application, you also give consent for the foundation to process personal data in the application to the extent required for its handling and in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation (EU 2017/679).
The application perioid starts 3 March and closes 30 September 2025 (CEST).
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